Recent Macadamia Price Trends
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The graph below compare average prices in reported trades for the most recent five-week period (Weeks 39-43) with the five-week period that preceded it (Weeks 34-38).
On the whole, average kernel prices in observed transactions showed a stronger upward tick than in the previous report. Fewer transactions were observed in second five-week period as supply declines and buyers take longer to settle trades at the prices offered.
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Approved by Yunnan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and formally established in September 2014. Yunnan Nuts Society (hereinafter referred to as YNS) is a professional and non-profit social group composed of enterprises, experts, scholars and growers specializing in nursery, cultivation, production, processing and marketing of nuts in Yunnan Province. Through continuous input, the number of members has increased from the first 33 to the present 159.
address:6th Floor, Cultural Science and Technology Building, 371 Qingnian Road, Kunming

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