Macadamia market in February
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February was an active month for the kernel market, signalling a positive marketing year ahead. Supplier price expectations for whole nuts cooled for a second month after the bold offers observed in January and earlier, and a strong uptick in reported trades was seen this month. The strong rise in kernel prices witnessed last year has incentivised suppliers to commit a greater proportion of this year’s expected harvest to cracking. This is particularly the case as the price spread with NIS has widened on the latter category’s less impressive price rises.
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Approved by Yunnan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and formally established in September 2014. Yunnan Nuts Society (hereinafter referred to as YNS) is a professional and non-profit social group composed of enterprises, experts, scholars and growers specializing in nursery, cultivation, production, processing and marketing of nuts in Yunnan Province. Through continuous input, the number of members has increased from the first 33 to the present 159.
address:6th Floor, Cultural Science and Technology Building, 371 Qingnian Road, Kunming

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